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Sunday, June 21, 2009

How Can You Invest Your Student Loan to Make Money? By James Buchan

For the majority of students, a student loan is vital to fund university life. For the majority of us, it will cover the necessities such as rent, food, book, socialising but with not much left over. However some savvy students are investing their loan in specific products and turning a profit. Clever eh? Remember that you will need to live off your loan so if it all backfires you could be left with a red face. However think smart and use it in a clever way and you will be on top of the game and making money before you have even graduated. Some students have even gone on to building up a whole business after graduating. It's all about starting small but thinking big.

Research the products you want to sell and make sure you will be able to make profit from them. However factor in the cost of your time. Trawling for hours around charity shops trying to find unusual, rare products to sell can be counterproductive. Most charity shops have caught on to this craze and have hiked their prices accordingly. The easiest way to research products and source them has to be eBay. Its simple to use, millions of people use it and if you want rare items it has to be the easiest place to start to source them. Be careful though, again factor your time in and don't just jump into eBay with no focus. Find a niche that you either know a lot about or are at least interested in. This should mean you will end up having a better idea of where there is money to be made. For some inspiration look at this article for examples of real people putting this action.

James Buchan is the Founder of focuses on providing resources and information to help students at university or college make money using eBay.

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