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Saturday, August 1, 2009

6 Sure-Fire Ways to Find Scholarships For Colleges By Nate Desmond

As you may know from personal experience, many students understand that getting scholarships for college is a great way to save money, but they do not understand where to find the scholarships. The entire subject can seem confusing and even frightening to a new student. However, scholarship searching need not be difficult. Using these six painless methods you can find scholarships quickly and easily.

  1. Financial Aid Office - If you are still in high school, contact your school's college help office. The people working their are committed to helping you succeed and are normally more than happy to help you find scholarships. Remember though, these people are in charge of helping hundreds of students, so their time will be somewhat limited. If you are already in college, you should visit your college's financial aid office. The people working their can help you learn whether you are eligible for any scholarships or grants directly from your college. This money is normally awarded based on demonstrated financial need, but some money is also provided for academic or athletic achievers.
  2. Online Scholarship Search Engines - You can also find scholarships for college using online search engines such as Fast Web ( or College Board ( These "scholarship searches", as they are called, are one of the best known ways to find scholarships. Unfortunately, they are not extremely accurate. After you enter your information, including interests, SAT/ACT scores, financial status, etc., they provide you with scholarships that they think fit your interests and abilities. The problem is that these programs are not highly accurate, so you will have to spend hours (literally) sorting through your results.
  3. Your Family - Ask your family - parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles - if they know of any scholarships for college. Also, ask them what groups and organizations they are a part of. Often, clubs will offer scholarships that are only available to members or relatives of members. These are great opportunities because few people will be able to enter which will increase your chance of winning! Your family - both immediate and extended - can be an excellent resource when looking for scholarships.
  4. Your Employers - Did you know that many companies offer grants and scholarships for college that are only available to their past and present employees? Ask you supervisor if he knows of any scholarships or grants offered by your company. Many fast food restaurants that hire teen employees offer special scholarships. Because these scholarships are only available to employees, you will not have as much competition which will increase your chance of winning. Make sure to check for these hidden jewels before moving on to more generic scholarships!
  5. Your Local Newspaper - Many local scholarship sponsors advertise in the local newspaper. Make sure to check the classifieds regularly to find these scholarship opportunities. Local scholarships are an excellent opportunity because, once again, they will have lower competition - increasing your chance of winning. Try to check you local newspaper at least once a week to find new scholarships for college.
  6. Your Network - Another excellent way to find scholarships is by asking your network. Hopefully, you have already invested time in building a solid network of friends and advisers. If you haven't, do that now. If you do have your network ready, now is the time to start using it. Contact everyone on your network, tell them what major you are looking into, explain to them what your plan is, and ask them to keep their eye out for scholarships that would fit your interests and abilities. If you have a strong network, this can be one of the best ways to find scholarships for college!

Once you have found good scholarships, fill out your forms, write your essays, and send in your applications. Even if you do not win your first scholarship, keep trying. As in most of life, persistence is the key to success!

Get more money-saving advice on Nate's college help blog, Debt-free Scholar. From studying advice, to money saving methods, to reputation building, Nate's posts cover nearly every facet of college. In fact, he even has a section on scholarships!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Available Student Scholarships and Loan Programs - Getting Free Money For School By Ryan J. Taylor

Did you know the average student graduates from college with over $50,000 in student debt. That's not even including the credit card bills that are racked up from buying books and other course material. But the resourceful students are able to get their college degree paid for and graduate with no out of pocket expenses and no debt. Here's how they do it:

By using online resources, current or perspective students can quickly find various grant and scholarship programs. These programs offer the cash needed to not only pay for your college tuition, but can help you pay for books, student housing and other educational expenses.

Applying for these programs does not require any kind of credit check or cosigner since scholarships are not loan. It's simply money students can receive in order to obtain and education, and the cash never has to be paid back.

There are a number of different scholarships, which makes it easy for people to get the money they specifically need. For instance, there are scholarships for single parents, financial aid for minority students, and scholarships for writers or art students. Regardless of what your background, income or interests are, chances are there is funding available for you.

By using online resources, students can quickly find money for school and see how much they can obtain. Just by submitting their application, they can instantly see f they qualify to receive as much as $10,000. If you are still looking for a college to attend or undecided on the field you would like to go in to, you can use the scholarship search engine to see what online or on-campus programs can provide you with financial aid based upon your background and interests.

Instantly find free student scholarships and get the cash you need to pay for school. The money is available, but you have to ask for it. When you do, you can get money for tuition, books and even housing.

Qualify for Free Scholarships Here.

Get free money for school.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Going on the Scholarship Search By Jon Arnold

When you are on a scholarship search, you'll find that there are so many different things that you need to think about that it can get a little bit confusing and even frustrating. There are lots of scholarships out there but finding the ones that are going to suit you and that are worth applying for is quite important. Whether you are returning to school or attending collage for the first time, you'll soon see that the more information that you have about scholarships in general, the better of you will be. As with any endeavor, making sure that you have the right information at your fingertips can make a huge difference. What options are in front of you?

The first thing that you need to understand when you are on the scholarship search is that there are many ways to qualify for a scholarship. They are not all about financial need anymore and these days, you can find organizations that are passing out scholarships that you definitely qualify for. Perhaps they are interested in giving you scholarship money for skill in oration or for the field that you wish to enter. In most cases, for these scholarships, all you need to do is to apply. Remember that finding the right scholarship is just as important as doing up a good application for it, so budget off some time to do your search.

Remember that even though there are plenty of people who happen to be on the scholarship search that there are many, many scholarships out there. For instance, did you know that there are many scholarships out there that go uncollected just because no one knows to apply for them? Just because an organization wants to give out money for education doesn't mean that they are going to be good about advertising the availability of it. Even if you have a guidance counselor on your side, do your own research. Remember that you should look around your community as well; you never know when a local scholarship is going to give you what you need.

Scholarships can make life a lot easier for someone who wants to get started in their higher education. Getting a college degree is not easy, and when you are looking at moving forward and getting the right kind of results out of your search, you need to be organized and methodical. For instance, are you someone who is interested in math or sciences? Look for scholarships that pertain to your field. You may also want to look at places that you have worked and at the places where your family has worked. You never know when you are going to be able to find a great scholarship that seems tailor made for you.

Make up a complete list of any and all available scholarships and make sure that you start the application process today. This is an important factor when you are looking at securing your education, so take a moment to see what can be done.

For more insights and additional information about doing a successful Scholarship Search as well as finding a wealth of resources for scholarships you can apply for right now, please visit our web site at

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Going on the Scholarship Search By Jon Arnold

When you are on a scholarship search, you'll find that there are so many different things that you need to think about that it can get a little bit confusing and even frustrating. There are lots of scholarships out there but finding the ones that are going to suit you and that are worth applying for is quite important. Whether you are returning to school or attending collage for the first time, you'll soon see that the more information that you have about scholarships in general, the better of you will be. As with any endeavor, making sure that you have the right information at your fingertips can make a huge difference. What options are in front of you?

The first thing that you need to understand when you are on the scholarship search is that there are many ways to qualify for a scholarship. They are not all about financial need anymore and these days, you can find organizations that are passing out scholarships that you definitely qualify for. Perhaps they are interested in giving you scholarship money for skill in oration or for the field that you wish to enter. In most cases, for these scholarships, all you need to do is to apply. Remember that finding the right scholarship is just as important as doing up a good application for it, so budget off some time to do your search.

Remember that even though there are plenty of people who happen to be on the scholarship search that there are many, many scholarships out there. For instance, did you know that there are many scholarships out there that go uncollected just because no one knows to apply for them? Just because an organization wants to give out money for education doesn't mean that they are going to be good about advertising the availability of it. Even if you have a guidance counselor on your side, do your own research. Remember that you should look around your community as well; you never know when a local scholarship is going to give you what you need.

Scholarships can make life a lot easier for someone who wants to get started in their higher education. Getting a college degree is not easy, and when you are looking at moving forward and getting the right kind of results out of your search, you need to be organized and methodical. For instance, are you someone who is interested in math or sciences? Look for scholarships that pertain to your field. You may also want to look at places that you have worked and at the places where your family has worked. You never know when you are going to be able to find a great scholarship that seems tailor made for you.

Make up a complete list of any and all available scholarships and make sure that you start the application process today. This is an important factor when you are looking at securing your education, so take a moment to see what can be done.

For more insights and additional information about doing a successful Scholarship Search as well as finding a wealth of resources for scholarships you can apply for right now, please visit our web site at

Sunday, June 21, 2009

How Can You Invest Your Student Loan to Make Money? By James Buchan

For the majority of students, a student loan is vital to fund university life. For the majority of us, it will cover the necessities such as rent, food, book, socialising but with not much left over. However some savvy students are investing their loan in specific products and turning a profit. Clever eh? Remember that you will need to live off your loan so if it all backfires you could be left with a red face. However think smart and use it in a clever way and you will be on top of the game and making money before you have even graduated. Some students have even gone on to building up a whole business after graduating. It's all about starting small but thinking big.

Research the products you want to sell and make sure you will be able to make profit from them. However factor in the cost of your time. Trawling for hours around charity shops trying to find unusual, rare products to sell can be counterproductive. Most charity shops have caught on to this craze and have hiked their prices accordingly. The easiest way to research products and source them has to be eBay. Its simple to use, millions of people use it and if you want rare items it has to be the easiest place to start to source them. Be careful though, again factor your time in and don't just jump into eBay with no focus. Find a niche that you either know a lot about or are at least interested in. This should mean you will end up having a better idea of where there is money to be made. For some inspiration look at this article for examples of real people putting this action.

James Buchan is the Founder of focuses on providing resources and information to help students at university or college make money using eBay.

Friday, June 5, 2009

How to Find a Quality Truck Driving School By Dave Ferrara

When you decide to get into the business of trucking you are taking a big step. reading this article will ensure that you do not take a step in the wrong direction.

When you do an Internet search for trucking schools or truck driving schools you will find search results filled with hundreds of websites offering something related to truck driving schools. Then you have to wade through dozens of websites that seem to provide mostly advertisements for other truck driving schools. If you take the wrong course you end up bouncing back and forth between advertisements. This will most likely leave you feeling lost.

Well, Let's make it easier than ever before!

First answer this question:

* Are you committed to making this a new career or are you just looking to improve your skills for a job you already have?

If your looking to make this a new career, than you should focus on the stability of the company doing the training, the quality of the training, their reputation in the industry, and your total costs. When it comes to proper training your life depends on it!

If your just looking to improve your skills for a job you already have then right off the bat you should look for a local training company. Try searches that include your city or state. For example: "Riverside Truck Driving Schools" That can eliminate a lot of the junk out there.

All Right, Your Ready To Start A New Career:

First and fore most training should be the most important piece of the puzzle to you. If your not trained properly you could end up in a bad accident or a very short driving career. That is why we say your life depends on it! As far as the training goes, someone who is well experienced when it comes to truck driving and truck driving training should train you on recent equipment.

Next consider the training time.
Are you about to attend a license mill, or is the company going to give you plenty of time behind the wheel?

After training you should of course consider your costs. If you can't see prices for tuition, fees and everything else, you might want to walk away now or in your case leave that website. Just think what else is going to be negotiable? Tuition, fees, your safety?

Now that you know how much it costs for tuition, you should also consider other costs like financing, room and board or hotel stays, transportation to the school, amenities etc. Be conscious of the numbers game. It might be $5000 for one school all-inclusive and $4000 for another but you still have to pay for hotel. That makes them the same. So you really have to evaluate the schools and do your due diligence.

Lastly and most commonly where people are taken for a ride, is the promise of employment. Your making a career move so you most definitely need to have a job lined up for when you complete school. Here is a simple fact. If they're not a "School to Hire" organization, then it is not a job guarantee! "School to Hire" refers to a situation where, not if, but when you complete school you have a job with the company who trained you or with another company via a contractual agreement between the school and a carrier.

For example you might go to school A, and upon completion, you'll be working for company B. You'll know before you even start school who your going to work for. The other option uses another very common term. "Guaranteed Job Placement" or "Lifetime Placement Assistance", or something along those lines. The long and short of it, they guarantee they will be helping you apply for jobs.

The Hard Fact:

The fact is there are Truck Driving Schools out there that have no intention other than taking your money, getting you a license and sending you packing with a hand full of applications.

Now that you have a little more information about what you should look for than your ready to begin your search to find the school that is going to work for you. We hope this short article is helpful in navigating the truck driving school maze and wish you the best in your endeavors.

Written by BIG rig Dave
Truck Driving Schools

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Legal Secretary Training Opens Limitless Opportunities By Cheryl Forbes

There is only a limited number of people who want to become a secretary. The truth is a secretary has always been a dead-end job. How can one advance from becoming a secretary unless you become the boss itself and that barely happens. However, one cannot deny the training and the exposure that comes with especially when it comes to office clerical work. But that is all you can expect from it. You can not expect your boss to promote you to a higher level when the only level for a secretary is the one that you are in. Even if this is the scenario, you can always improve things for yourself. You can choose to become a legal secretary by getting legal secretary training.

Once you finish the training, what you have is an unbeatable combination. The experience that you have gotten from being a secretary plus the legal secretary training that you got will make you qualified to join the legal workforce. Aside from being exposed to the exciting world of the legal profession, you will have a more challenging job, a higher paying one and the opportunities that will be opened to you are endless. You can even become a paralegal yourself when you want to especially after a few years of assisting your lawyer boss or you can continue with your studies and become a lawyer yourself. That is what is great about the legal secretary training. You come with it with no qualifications whatsoever and emerge with skills that will open opportunities for you that you never thought possible.

Cheryl Forbes owns and operates the website